How You Can Be A Part

So many times, we think that if we are not the ones going, we are not impacting. This is something that we have to cut off from our thinking, because it is not true.  When we invest anything of ourselves in someone else, in their hearts, in their dreams, in their vision, in their life, we are living out the Kingdom coming to earth & showing Jesus' heart as He has created us to.  Every time you invest, you store up not only treasures & blessing on earth, but even better, in Heaven.

I am asking you to be a part of this journey with me, and here is how!

  • Prayer is one of our biggest weapons!  It's communication with the Father, it's entering into His presence and speaking to the God of all creation... and He listens to us!  It's easier than we think and It's much more powerful than we believe.  I am asking that you would partner with me to pray for me.  Whether you want to do it once in a while, or you want to commit to a day each week is totally up to you.  But your prayers make & a difference & they shift the heavens!
    please give me a call or email me if you are interested in committing to praying for me.  I would love to give you more specifics!
  • Financially I am required to have minimum of $600 a month to live as a missionary here with Youth With a Mission.  This covers my housing, food, staff payments, and other monthly needs.  Currently, I have $360 committed each month; amazing! Would you pray & consider supporting me monthly?  Whether it be $5, $50, or $500, every amount counts!  Thank you so much.

Thank you so much for all of your support. I am excited to see what the Lord has planned, and I am so thankful you are going to a part of it!

Please contact me here for more information or if you feel led to support me:
Cellphone: 704 724 1175