ah :) it's so good to be updating you finally!! A LOT has happened since I last talked to you guys. I hope the past 2 weeks and a bit have been wonderful for you. Our team has definitely been on an incredible journey with the Lord. One of excitement and faith and walking in His promises... and believing for even more.
We traveled to Vellore on the 18th of July. We are working with a wonderful pastor here, Caleb and his wife Ruby. They have 3 beautiful children, and Rubys neice is also helping out, Sarah. They have three other guys who are working along with Caleb to help lead our team. There is JayaKumar, Ryan, and NesKumar. They are amazing guys and I am really thankful for their whole team.
Since I last updated you, our team has begun to walk into amazing unity. In the beginning we were really praying for unity, when we got here with was great... and then with time things began to become divided. Nothing was said, nothing was really done... we just found it comfortable to not fight for it. We realized this was a huge problem, and we really needed to fix it. In true Love comes unity... and Christ says they will know we are Christians by our Love. So after a 3 1/2 hour long talk as a group, we worked out some pretty amazing things. And since that night here, we have been walking into some amazing things.
We've visited orphanages, traveled to different churches, went to leper colonies, worked with people in the slums, have seen over 30 people come to know Jesus Christ! We have seen some amazing things.
I want to share just one story of what the Lord has been doing. During one of these nights I had an incredible encounter with the Lord. It was a night I will never forget... A team of us had gone to a slum in downtown Vellore. On the way there our tire ended up falling off the left back side of the car, which wasn't good at all. But thankfully the Lord protected us all. After that delay, we get to the slums. The first one was good. We got some great pictures, made some friends with the women and children there. And then we ended off to another slum, which was a little bit down the road from the first one. As soon as we walked in, the whole village came out to see us. We walk a little bit into the village... We get to this house, and they try to pack ALL of us in this tiny tiny room. It wasn't really working - haha. So we go outside and everybody gathers around. Earlier that day I was feeling an urgency to share the gospel... come to find out, most of the people we were spending time with in this other slum were all Hindus and hadn't heard the gospel. So we all get outside, its basically pitch black at this time. She shares about all of the gospel... and TWENTY people come to know the Lord !! TWENTY! What an incredible victory. 20 more people who have the privilege to live in eternity with Jesus, and 20 people that the devil has lost. Gosh, its so extremely exciting. During that meeting a little girl came up to me. She was dressed in a bright orange punjambi outfit. Short short hair. She was so extremely beautiful... Just stunning. In the middle of the service, she shares with me that she has had cancer in her blood for 3 1/2 years. But she was still so full of life. I was heart broken for her. After the whole service, they had us pray for people. Earlier, before the service started, Erika came up to me and told me that the Lord told her I was to heal a girl with a hurt arm. At the end of a service, a girl with a broken arm was in the crowd and Erika brought her to me. I prayed for her and the girl with cancer. I believe in faith they WILL be healed... And I still declare it. Jebastin is the girl with cancer and she is only 15 years old. I also met her sisters... Libritha is nine, Angel is fourteen, and She also has Sophie ... who is 15 as well. When she told me her name was Sophie, immediately I was brought back to Sophia Elizabeth, my niece who passed away at 3 weeks old. I was broken hearted, and started to cry as Libritha sat in my lap. These girls were so beautiful, I felt such a love for them. I can't even explain it.
As we were done, we were walking back to our vehicles. The only way I could explain what walking back through the village was like, was when Jesus was in the crowd and the lady touched the hem of His garment, and was instantly healed because she had faith. The woman had to PRESS through the crowd, shove passed people, make a huge effort in order to get to Jesus because there was so many people in the crowd surrounding Him. Everywhere I looked, I saw people. One girl on my left arm, another girl on my right arm, someone pressed against my back and someone pressed against my stomach. I was asking God for grace the whole time. I was tired, exhausted... This is what Jesus did. All the time. He lived in a state of ministry, this wasn't just once in a while for 3 months on a trip for him. This was His life. And He felt what I felt. His heart broke, rejoiced, was revived, and became tired. He was refreshed by His Father... Every day He had to go to His Father to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to feel refreshing rain rush over His heart, mind, body and soul... Because He was human, He felt the physical pull of the world... But because He was God, He was so connected with God that He had the strength to walk through this... and rejoice in all things because He knew what a powerful change He was making. The Father was enough for Him. The Father is therefore enough for me!
When we got back into the car, I continued to weep. As we got back to the house... I continued to weep. There was an intercession team that stayed back and interceded for us. Hannah, who was on that team, told me she prayed specifically that the Lord would give me HEALING HANDS! And she also prayed, specifically, that the Holy Spirit would just fill me up, sweep over me, and overwhelm me. Everything she prayed for me, came to pass. As I shared what the Lord had done in my heart... I continued to cry. I was done and walked into the kitchen... And something happened, that I will never forget.
I was walking in to tell Hannah thank you for her prayers. And all the sudden I get HIT with the Holy Spirit even MORE. I start weeping, and I cant stop crying. I shared again how I had been crying out to the Lord for this... for SOMETHING. That the Lord would begin to show up. And I told Him I'd give up anything. I surrendered my life in my heart, for whatever He wanted. I am desperate. I was so desperate for something, I am willing to give up my very life for the Lord... And when I surrendered, He POURED down. He didnt just rain... but a WATERFALL of the HOLY SPIRIT began to POUR down all over my life. As I am telling Hannah these things, she starts laughing and crying... the more i talk, the more she cries... and the more she cries and laugh, the more intense I feel the spirit, the thicker it gets. I suddenly stop, laughing and say "what?" and she goes "woah! You have 2 HUGE angels beside you right now" and she is just... on fire. And she tells me I am on fire. And all the sudden, I FEEL them. I FEEL THE FREAKING ANGELS! Like woahhh. I was standing there. I literally felt like I had two huge blocks of steel upon each side of my body. it was so tangible. I mean the spirit felt more tangible than it ever has in my life. And I just continued to weep and weep and weep and feel the Holy Spirit fill me. From head to toe. This overflowing of His spirit was just all over me. I can't even explain to you what it was like. Words will never ever satisfy what the Lord did in me that night... Something that will continue to overflow into my life.
And the stories just continue. As a team we decided something we were lacking was intercession and worship together. So we have now been praying about who should go, and who should stay back, when we have days of ministry. The team that stays back goes into intercession while the team is out. It has been such a beautiful thing. We always write down what we pray for, and it's incredible to see the Lord answer prayers SO quickly for everybody. It has been one of the biggest encouragements to me while being here in Vellore.
These past 2 weeks have been incredible for me, apart from my team. Every time I open my Bible, it's like I see the Lord infront of me teaching me all of these things. Things about faith, men of faith, things about love - that casts out all fear, things about hope and restoration. The list just goes on and on ... and for eternity. One thing that really lifted me up today was in Ecclesiastes 3:11. This verse has been something that has gotten me through so many rough times. I have always clung tight to "He makes everything beautiful in it's time." But I had never read past that. The next line says "Also, He has put eternity in their hearts." And then I was reading Hebrews and in chapter 11, verses 13-16 it's talking about how they died in faith. They hadn't recieved the promises that the Lord had given them... but they still believed in their inheritance because they could see it afar. They felt like strangers in their land, but because of their faith and walking with the Lord - God was preparing a heavenly home for them to come to because of their faithfulness. These two verses completely over took me this morning during intercession. As I was reading them, so much as revealed. So many times I feel so alone in this world. With a big family, a ton of friends and really supportive people... I just sometimes feel like I was made for another world. And I almost felt bad for feeling this way. But these verses remind me that even the greatest of the great... Enoch, Abraham, Sarah.. and many more, felt that exact same thing. They felt that they were made for something else. Because GOD Himself put eternity in their hearts. He put a desire for MORE. Not just for life to stop here, but to go on to be bigger and better and satisfying with the Father. We all have that desire in us... And when we walk in faith, when we refuse to let our circumstances determine our walk with the Lord, but instead rise above it and walk in Truth and in Spirit, which are never changing... Then we begin to walk in our inheritance, we begin to walk in our promises... and out of those being walked in- even more comes. Sometimes we may not see it. We may never see the fruit of our obedience - but what a gift to leave behind for those who come after us.
So all of that to say, God is SO good. I am falling in love every day with this Abba Father. I am getting blown away with Him. He has taken me an incredible adventures. It's very true when people say "You go on outreach trying and thinking you are going to save a nation, but you are the one who gets changed"... I couldn't say that is true enough. I am so thankul for this journey the Lord is taking me on with Him. He is so righteous and faithful, and He loves to lavish His children with extravagant love... He has placed in me in a season, or a life of "no compromise"... and it's the most beautiful thing ever.
I want to just let you guys know a little bit about what's been going on with my heart - physically. I know my mom posted some stuff on facebook, but I thought I'd let you know as well. I have been feeling really off balance. My heart has been racing extremely fast, randomly, as if I just went on a run, even when I am just sitting down. When I get up I feel very dizzy and my eyesight goes fuzzy for a second. I have been dealing with some pretty bad headaches and sleeping constantly - but not being able to sleep at all during the night. So I went to the hospital here, which I would NOT recommend for an emergency - you'll be there for about 5 hours, haha. After 3 days of doing some tests, I went in for a fourth test yesterday. They put me on a lovely bed and strapped me down, put an IV in my hand and turned the bed so it was standing up. After everything going black and not being able to hear the doctor talk to me, they told me i have Nuerocardiogenicsyncop. Well I went back today, and come to find out I don't. haha. I am going back tomorrow to get a 24 hour heart monitor put on to hopefully get things settled! They said whats going on isnt heart threatening and just recommended drinking a lot more water and putting salt in it. So we will get to the bottom of this. Thank you SO much for all your prayers!!
I am praying for you all. I cannot wait to see you all again and share stories in person. I love you and pray that you are filled with Grace, Hope, Love, Adventure, Imagination, Stories, Songs, Hope, Prophecy, Tongues, New eyes to see the true beauty of the Lord and new ears to hear heaven. Abba bless you :)
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