It really amazes me how fast time flies. I am coming to the end of my 5th month with YWAM. One month and a couple days until I return home. It pretty crazy where the Lord has brought me from and carried me into. It's really such a blessing when I look back on everything. He is such a good Father, all of the time, no matter what - what a beautiful thing to rely on.
The past couple of weeks we've been doing a lot of traveling - not doing super focused ministry, but everywhere we travel to we've been doing ministry in those places. I've definitely gotten a full experience of India, and there is still a little less than 3 weeks to experience. I have no doubt they will be filled with many adventures and experiences.
We went on a mini trip yesterday back to Vellore to a baby dedication of our contact there, Caleb & Ruby. And we also were invited to an engagement party for one of the guys who works under Caleb in his ministry and became a good friend of the team when we stayed there. The trip was definitely... unexplainable. So many things in India is a " you just had to be there" kind of deal. I will not go into what a crazy trip it was. BUT, I will say that I came to my breaking point. So many things were going on around me and I really was just getting to the end of my rope. But, like I said before, I have an amazing Papa, who is good ALL the time. So I wanted to share a couple of nuggets that He shared with me during this crazy trip. It's really awesome how things around you can be so hectic, so disorganized, so unappealing... but as soon as Abba speaks, everything stops, your spirit is tuned in to His voice, and suddenly hope and grace falls on you just in the moments where you need it most, and His perfect love washes you clean. So I hope these two things will do the exact same thing for you, in the place you are at. If you need it, please relish in the beauty of the Father over these next two things and let Him speak to you in whatever way you need it. If you don't need it, remember them for when you do - and remember the God that you serve.
1. As we were driving there, I was sitting there and all the sudden the Lord started speaking to me about the different ways He speaks to people. He is so unique, so creative, so intentional, and so extremely personal. And so all of these things filter in to the way that He speaks to His children. If He were to speak to us all the same, a lot of us wouldn't understand Him, because we are all different - we were all fashioned to be different and understand things differently. We also were all made in the image of God, therefore He has so many different aspects to Him. The different ways of Him showing Himself to different people, is an expression of who He is. So it's really silly of me to get jealous of the way He speaks to other people, and their relationship with him, because each is equally important and needed in order to get just a small glimpse the vastness of who He truly is. So instead of getting jealous we should be rejoicing of the way He shows Himself to other people, because it's just another sign of the amazing God that we have the privilege and honor of devoting our whole lives to getting to know!
2. Another thing was really short. As we were driving home and I was just so finished with the day I had experienced, I look out my window and right there is this white truck and on the side of it is painting a HUGE purple butterfly. I don't know if you know, but Abba and I have this secret pleasure with each other with butterflies, always reminding me of all He has done for me, for his continual provision and constant grace. I couldn't help but just close my eyes and thank my Papa for being so good to me, and giving me little things that make everything okay.
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