Friday, April 1, 2011

Doing out of Resting

Date: April 1st, 2011
Time: 1:08pm
Weather: 82 Degrees Fahrenheit
Mood: Happy/Expectant/Content/Relaxed/Smilie

Well... After about 15 hours of working on the Call2All Syllabus for this 2011 April DTS, I feel good.  I love putting my hard work into something and being happy with the result.  They still need to be printed and organized, but I really love hard work and knowing I am being productive.

For quite a while, I feel like my heart went into this "rest" mode, in a not good way.  Rest is good, do not get me wrong.  Rest is such a beautiful thing in Jesus, but I took it out of context just a little bit in that I had began to think, without even realizing it, "I don't need to do anything.  I am only called to Rest."  Yes, we are called to rest in Jesus... but out of that everything else flows.  I was selfishly resting in a weird place and not allowing the fullness of that to come through my every day life.  Since doing this syllabus, the Lord has really shown my heart a lot about resting in Him.  That it's a continual state.  It's not just laying down, it's not checking out, it's not isolating yourself.  It's being in a continual state of resting in His presence, of having clean hands and a pure heart so that I may ascend the hill of the Lord, it's positioning my heart to receive His love and allowing Him to pour out of me.  It's living intimately, in every situation, every circumstance, every hour & second of the day, with Jesus.
I never realized it, until this week, but I love to do things.  I love to be productively busy.  I love knowing what my task is, and doing it with all of my heart.  I think this is a new gift that Abba has given me.  He is pulling me into His fullness in such a beautiful way.
Andy Byrd, leader of Fire & Fragrance here on campus, said something that really rooted in my heart last week in our DTS Staff Training.  It basically went like this:  The reason we have such trouble "balancing" things in our life, is because it's not Biblical.  But what is Biblical is the Fullness of God.  It has been brewing in my spirit and really has begun to shift my mind.  I search & search for a balance in my life.  But the Lord doesn't want to give me a balance, He wants to pour out His fullness into my life.  And I feel like I've been learning that in very practical ways, in ways that have taught me to be grounded in the Word, to be set upon Truth, to dwell on the goodness of Jesus instead of focusing on the negatives that life can sometimes throw at me.

So what does it mean to Rest?  I'd love to hear your guys' opinion.  If you have one, or even just want to process what it means on here... Please feel free to do so.  Because I believe this is very key and foundational in our relationship with Jesus.  I believe there is something that He wants to pull out of His treasure box and give to us if we would just sit at His feet and allow Him to do whatever He wants to do in whatever way He wants to do it, in the exact time He has planned.

Other than that... I miss you guys, I miss home a lot but the beauty of the Lord in this season is ridiculous and pretty much unexplainable.  I hope you are all blessed and encouraged and filled with life.  Jesus delights in every single one of you, more than you could ever dream.  Allow Him to love you today.  And allow it to pour out.

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