Sunday, February 27, 2011

The 4 F's...

Free Freedom From Fear

Today I was hit with a revelation....

Throughout this past week, the Lord has been doing a lot in my heart (which I pray will be the case from now and always).
As some of you know (if you go to my church and/or get the prayer chain), I was experiencing some really intense attacks from the enemy through my dreams. I won't go into much detail, because my intent is not to make satan intriguing at all, but rather tell you of how powerful the Lord is, over any situation. The things occurring in the dreams were things that I've had fear of, as long as I can remember. Things that have haunted me, and been placed in deep deep places of me and couldn't break free of. It created a root of fear in me, that no matter how I tried always seemed to linger in me wherever I went, whoever I was with, whatever I was doing. I've had ideas of what the fear could have stemmed from, but I didn't care... because the bottom line is I knew that Jesus is King, that LOVE casts out all fear, and that God IS love... so if I have Him dwelling inside of ME, then that means fear has no room to reside.
After a couple nights of experiencing these horrifying dreams, of waking up crying and not being able to fall asleep, of shaking in my bed & not being able to shake it... I went to my leaders and asked for some prayer. The prayer turned into about an hour of them breaking off curses (generational and non) and prophesying over me, speaking LIFE & TRUTH into the places that were now freed of death & lies. I cannot express to you the freedom I felt, the joy I felt, the ... I can't even tell you, really. haha. It was so far beyond anything I'd experienced before, it was good... it was purely the goodness of Jesus over me, His delight in me overflowing, and me receiving all that He did through the cross & resurrection, for all that it was worth. Not only did I feel super free & empty of the evil, but FULL of life and full of the truth... and I also got to experience the fullness of what community is suppose to look like, and what family was designed to be. It was incredible. A day that is forever marked in my heart. (If you are experiencing any of this, please write me and I'd love to talk to you more about it and pray with you!!)
Since that day, I have not experienced any fear - ANY. I mean, I really can't tell you how much fear was removed from my life. Things like fear of not being able to figure out what to wear, to fear of being kidnapped... fear of loosing my life, fear of all my friends leaving me, fear of non of them really being friends... I mean it was deep, and it was in everything... NOT ANYMORE! God is good, and He loves to lavish His children with what they were meant to have... and I was meant to live in freedom. I also have not been attacked with any dreams. I have been speaking truth over me, digging into the Word, and covering myself with the words of Jesus. Some of the verses I have been meditating & dwelling on are:
-"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You." - Isaiah 26:3
-"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7
-"perfect love casts out fear." - 1 John 4:18
-"Fear not, for I am with you." - Isaiah 43:3
-"Isaiah 42:5-9"
-"Psalm 91"

It's really amazing what the Lord will do when you immerse your mind in the word.. He totally transforms it, and that's the reality of what this week has been... HUGE transformation & renewing of the mind FAR beyond anything I even believed could happen, it's amazing.

I share all of this to encourage you. ANYTHING you are dealing with, and I literally do mean EVERYTHING, can be transformed by God... and He has something in it. Even if it's awful, His desire is to reveal His goodness through it. He didn't wish it upon you, but He has allowed you to go through it. I believe for a couple reasons (in my own life at least). He trusts us, HE TRUSTS US... Ridiculous right? It's true. He trusts YOU. He knows that you are strong in Him, and He wants you to learn even deeper how to rely on Him for everything. Because HE is the strongest when we are the weakest, and He gets the most glory. And He loves you, and without the struggle, He would get no glory & you would receive no authority.
Press into Jesus. PRESS IN. More than anything else you press in. Because unless we sacrifice something, there is nothing for Him to burn, nothing to set ablaze. And He desires for you to be in fire, to live in the Fire of God, because that's part of our inheritance as children. He's so good isn't He!?

Okay so now onto the revelation that I had today! I'm just going to write out exactly what I wrote in my journal. Eat it, Drink it, Soak it in... let Abba speak more to you in it. I love you all. Miss you. Wish you all could be in Hawaii with me. You are welcome to visit anytime!!

"Jesus treats us based on what He knows about us, based on who He knows we are... Not based on our knowledge of Him. He treats us as children seated in heavenly places, regardless if we believe we are or not. He is constantly calling us into a higher place."

Go in peace & love.

ps. Thank you to everybody who prayed for me during this time, and are continuing to pray. The Lord is so faithful and He hears you!!


  1. Wow Lizzie, this was amazing. Wow! I just got blasted by reading this! It was so good and so encouraging. wow! I don't even know what to say. thanks for sharing this! It completely wrecked me in a good way. :)

  2. Hey Lizzie,

    I know you shared with us all that happened when they prayed for you but I didn't realize all He did until reading this.

    It's awesome. I love you so much, I am so glad that you are experiencing all that you are.

    Love your 50 year old dad.

  3. my darling lizzy stein,
    for 35 years i walked the same road you did (little surprise there, huh) - afraid of literally everything... there was nothing that the fear in me didn't touch. i know exactly what you're talking about... and i had no idea of how thoroughly that fear permeated and ruled my life until i was free.. September 17, 2010 was the first day of my life i walked w/o fear - and every day for the first few months the realization would hit me, "hey, i did that and i wasn't scared" or i did it at all, or i said that thing to that person i would have never thought of saying b/c i was so scared... i went for a walk with a friend and heard dogs barking in a near-by yard and i realized i wasn't looking for a retreat - looking for which way i could run, what tree can i climb to get away - it had always been such a first instinct before. if i walked into a dark room i was gritting my teeth and making myself not scream before i got the light on.... it was constant. it was every day... and now? i am finally alive inside and living and moving forward in the destiny my Daddy created me to walk in. and words can't even express how happy i am that you are free from that dark demon of fear. seriously, no words.

    He is the Light and there is no shadow of turning in Him - and consequently, in you :)
