Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Force Of The Elijah Ministry

So this week as part of our staff training, we are reading "The Force Of The Elijah Ministry". It's 22 pages, and every page is fire. This is one excerpt from it that really grabbed my heart. Just take 3-5 minutes and soak it in.

"The following text is from Michael Brown's 'Called to Die' video, inviting us to a total commitment to Jesus. This provoking message fuels our dedicating to the "Elijah army" into which God is calling us:

Amy Carmichael (who died in the 18th century; a mission to India) makes some interesting comments: She said, regarding New Testament miracles and transformation of cities, "No wonder New Testament living has ceased. Satan is so much more in earnest then we are. He buys up the opportunity while we were wondering how much it would cost."

Richward Wormbrough was tortured for his faith during 14 years in Romania. He said, "extremism should be the norm for Christians. Every day as we watch the news, we see that sin is exceedingly sinful. It can be defeated only by exceeding love, joy, hope and self-sacrifice. God Himself does not give with measure."

The devil, world sin, terrorists, and false religions are not holding anything back. Why are we? We have eternal life! We are indwelt by the Spirit! Why are we holding back?

Leonard Ravenhill asks, "Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?"

The Bible calls us soldiers. Paul writes to Timothy, "Endure harship as a good solider of Christ Jesus." In the military you are no longer your own. You can be sent to the front lines or sent anywhere. That is life as a soldier.

John Hyde, a famous prayer warrior said, "Obedience. I know how a soldier will obey an order even unto death. I cannot expect to look Jesus Christ in the face and obey Him less than a soldier his commander."

We are called to be soldiers. Islamic nations have one worker for one million souls. If we are going to see our generation come to Jesus, we are going to have to give ourselves to the workd of God. I am going to encourage you tonight, by a total call to commitment, to full surrender, to totally step out. I want you to consider that around the world Christians are suffering things that are unbelieable; that between 100,000 and 300,000 believers have been killed annually for many years now.

In Sudan alone, 1.5 million Christians have been slaughtered for their faith by radical Muslims. It is common for Sudanese men to be crucified, nailed to trees right now in our own day. Boys are taken to learn in Islamic school - to learn in chains. Girls are taken and sol into prostitution, otherwise they are sold into slavery. This is happening every day, and yet I think I am a hero when I get up early or come to a prayer meeting.

Famous Story from Vietnam: "Pastor was killed and the wife was sent a bill for the bullet that was used."

Friends, we have to step back and say, "It's time to change. It's time to shift gears. It's time for us to adjust our mentality." Gone must be the days that we watch TV more than we pray. Gone are the days that we are on the internet or read newspapers more than we read the Word. Gone are the days where months and months go by without quality witnessing. Gone are the days when months go by without tears for the lost. Gone the day when months go by without the church burning for souls. Those days must be gone. The days must be utterly trashed when sports scores about our home time team winning or losing, or the arrival of the new computer, get us excited, but if eternal things don't matter, those days are gone.

How serious are you about seeing The Great Commission fulfilled? How serious are you about revival fired spreading to the ends of the earth? How many hold in your hands an English Bible? Do you know what it cost to get you that Bible? Tyndale was killed. Am I willing to give my life? You know who wins the battle: The army that is willing to die for the principles they stand for.

William Burns: "The evangelization of the world is a desperate struggle against the prince of darkness, and everything his rage can stir up in the shape of obstacles, vexation, and opposition, whether by circumstance or by the hand of man."

He said it is a desperate struggle, a serious task. It should mean a life of total dedication. William Burns, a great man of God, gave his life for China: "Believe me, it is not with folded hands and drowsy consciences, and hearts full of he cares of this life, but denying ourselves, taking up the cross, bearing the reproach, and following the Lamb wherever He goes, that I give my life."

I want to challenge you to ask yourself the tough questions tonight. I am going to ask you to make a living sacrifice. Your life is not your own. It is time to tally change your attitude.

John and Betty Stam trained for years to go to China with a young baby, and wrote this incredible entry "Afraid of What?" int their journal just before they were killed for their faith:

Afraid of what? To feel the Spirit's glad release
To pass from pain to perfect peace,
the strife and strain of life to cease.
Afraid of that!

Afraid of what? Afraid to see the Savior's face,
to hear His welcome and to trace
the glory from wounds of grace.
Afraid of that!

Afraid of what? A flash, a crash, a pierced heart,
darkness, light, a wound,
Afraid of that!

Afraid of what? To do by death what life could not;
baptized by blood, a stony plot
til souls shall blossom from the spot.
Afraid of that!

James B. Taylor said - and I close - with this: "The world may frown, Satan may rage. But go on: live for God. May I die in the filed of battle!"


  1. I am not there, but I pray that I would be!
    Thank you Lizz for opening your heart and sharing honestly. You keep spurring me on!!

  2. Lizzie,

    This is awesome. We had a leadership meeting at church and what we talked about most is that this is a time to do, not to talk about doing.

    I am going to send all of them this link.

    You mention Michael Brown in the first part of the Blog. I was in his office yesterday talking to him. I did the NY Jewish voice over for the cartoon in his radio studio.

    Love you.

  3. Lizzie, Thanks for keeping your mom on the straight and narrow with your posts :) Actually, I just read your post to my english class and they are journaling a response to it right now. I am really convicted by this post. It's a real call to action. Thanks for sharing. Keep going. Sad you're there but super glad too!

  4. Thank you guys for the feedback!!
    I am so glad you did that Andy!! What was the turn out? Love you guys and miss you so much!!!
