Thursday, June 9, 2011

Simple & Profound.

Jesus is so good.

I could just put that as my blog post, and I feel that it would fully explain everything that I could ever say.  It's that simple.  And it's that profound.  There is nothing about Him that isn't good.  Everything about Him is good.  Not just somewhat good, not just sometimes good, but ALL of the time ALWAYS 100% good.  Could it really be that true?  Could He really be that good?  Yes. Because it is & He is.

I've been in Kona now for a little over four months.  You have read the few posts that I have shared my heart in, but no words could describe all that the Lord has done in my heart.  Freedom after freedom after freedom.  From glory to glory to glory.  Revelation after revelation, wisdom upon wisdom, joy for mourning, oil of gladness for the spirit of heaviness... I could go on and on about all that has happened.  Not just in the physical, but more importantly in my heart.  I have been transformed.  Why?  Because He is good & His love for me is eternal.  And not only is that something that I feel and see daily, it's what everything else comes from.

See there's this place that Abba desires to take us all.  It's not the "end".  He isn't there for us so we can get into heaven.  He isn't a means to an end.  But rather HE is the end.  He is heaven.  He is the kingdom.  And what I've been realizing, daily, and even now as I am typing this, is that our whole mindset is messed up.  God didn't send His son JUST so we could go to heaven.  I mean, Heaven is amazing, don't go me wrong.  But it's not the end.  The end is Jesus.  It's being in relationship with Him.  It's seeing LOVE.  It's showing other people Truth.  It's living abundant life.  It's not about struggling for a few 70 years on earth and then finally getting to heaven.  It's about living out the Kingdom on earth, it's about bringing heaven to earth. "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." It's not a sweet little prayer.  It's a prayer dripping with a passionate Father who is desperately crying out for His children to look Him in the eyes, to know who He is, and to walk out who He is in them.  It's a song overflowing with the melodies of heaven.  It's a cry that we would deny ourselves daily, die to our selves in every situation, pick up our cross, and live as Jesus lived.

This may seem simple to you.  And it is.  But it's my heart.  It's the journey that the Lord is taking me on.  I have experienced the good.  I have experienced the bad.  I know heartache, I've walked through loss.  But even more than my failures, even more than my sad days and painful moments, even more than seasons of wilderness and seeing the enemy win in situations... Even more than all of that, I see that the Lord is good and His mercies endure FOREVER.  I see that His perfect love casts out all fear.  I see peace that surpasses ALL of my understanding and it guards my heart & my mind in Christ Jesus.  I see that HE is love and that He will never leave me nor forsake me.  I see that He fights for my heart.  I see that in Him we have all authority.  I see that the victory has ALREADY been won & that my life was created to fall deeply in love with my creator & live out the victory that He's fought and won for me, and for the rest of the world.

Jesus loves you so much.  His desire for you is so far beyond anything you could ever desire.  It erases all of the fear, it eliminates any shame or condemnation.  His love breathes hope, it drips with power & anointing.  His love speaks volumes and it's the faintest whisper.  His love for you is like a warehouse of treasure boxes just waiting for you to open.  He never disappoints, He never leaves, He never forgets.  He has always been there.  He doesn't look on you with eyes of pity... But rather He looks at you and sees you as His son.  He looks at you and sees you as His daughter.  All that you've done is wiped away, anything you've ever looked at, anything you've ever done, any thought... It all gets covered in the blood.  Because before you were even born, before sin ever took place in your life... Jesus saw you, He knew you, and He died for you because you were that precious and knew that your heart was that worth it.

This is my Jesus.  This is my love & my friend.  He is my strength.  He is my hope & my fortress.  He is always there.  He is closer than I even hope for Him to be.  He is the melody within my heart.  He is the song that I sing.  He is fulfillment of all good things.  He is my deliverer, one who brings freedom. He has saved my life.  He has raised my heart from the grave.  He has made me alive & free.  He created me to live for eternity, with Him, with my Abba, with Holy Spirit.  He has anointed me, appointed me, and set me a flame with a love that burns everything else away.  He has pulled me into His family & called me daughter.
This is who He is.  This is who I am.
And nothing will ever change it.

Thank you for supporting me to come here.  To pour myself into others.  It has been the most life changing season ever, and I fully believe it will only get better.  I have fallen in love with my students and my heart has grown bigger than I ever thought it could.  I am surrounded by an incredible family who fights for me and walks next to me.  I could not have even dreamed that this is what the Lord has for me.  He is that good.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Thanks for sharing!
    This is so awesome. This is who He is; even in times when we don't feel like it or don't experience it with our eyes visible.
    I am touched by what He has done.
