Monday, September 12, 2011

Ending A Season Victoriously!

Wow!  I am the worse blogger in the world.  It's been well over 2 months since I have written you, and I am super duper sorry!  I have no good excuse except doing the Lords work ;) haha.
How is everybody?  I feel I need a followers update on your hearts & lives back home and around me.

Things here have been absolutely fantastic & and I am completely filled with the joy, love, and faithfulness of my Father.  I just returned back to Kona from Irvine, California.  A lot of things have changed since I last talk to you, so I will get you updated just a bit!
We headed off to California on the first lovely day of July.  We lost housing 24 hours before we boarded the plane, and really didn't know what to do except pray, so we did!  Within that 24 hours, we received a phone call 20 minutes before we boarded the plane, saying we could stay the whole 7 weeks with a family who are pastors of Newsong Church in Irvine.  We headed out, and soon came to the obstacle of no transportation, but yet again! the Lord provided.  The family let us rent out their van from them for the whole time we were there.  We were blown away and so encouraged for what the Lord had for us!  As the weeks continued, the stories didn't change.  Yes we had our ups & downs, our highs & lows, but nothing could take us down.  We were strong & committed to the word of the Lord to be in California.  About 4 weeks in my co-leader, Kellye, and I felt the Lord nudging in our spirits to stay in California (we had originally planned to finish the 4 weeks of outreach in New York City).  After praying with our leaders, bringing it to the team, we were all in complete agreement this was from the Lord & we decided to stay.  Thank goodness we listened because let me tell you, those last 3 weeks in California were the best of all outreach!
We had the privilege of joining the Circuit Riders for the last 2 weeks we were there, for as much as we could.  We still stayed with our normal ministries, but used all of our free time to be involved in what the Lord was doing in & through them.  To read more about who they are & what they are doing, go to the Fire & Fragrance - Circuit Riders website).  We were able to be a part of over 100 salvations in 4 days, over 50 healings, mass revelation & downpour of the Holy Spirit daily for 2 full weeks!  Every night we ended on Huntington Beach at the Hilton Hotel.  They rented out a big white tent & each night it was bombarded with drug addicts, atheists, the broken, the lost, the homeless & the hurting and all, in one way or another, encountered the love of Jesus.  It was a powerful time.
On September 3rd at 7am we boarded a plane and flew back to Kona, our home sweet home with our big Call2All family.  And man has it been refreshing!  We all spent the first night back together eating pizza, drinking sodas, having a party & sharing stories.

So now it is Monday & tomorrow we are starting our debrief week.  This is where we share even more stories & testimonies, hear each others hearts more in depth, and share in the victory of all that the Lord did on outreach & the past 6 months we have been together.  It's basically like a family reunion for a week straight, super fun!  The students will graduate on the 21st of September and then we are done!  I cannot believe it's already been almost 8 months since I arrived here & 6 months since the school started.  The consistent thread throughout this whole time has been the faithfulness of the Lord over our school. Time & time again He proved Himself worthy of ALL praise & worship.  Something all of my girls said at the end of the outreach was "We have completely fallen in love with the man Jesus, and have no reason not to give our whole lives to Him."  If that is all I saw through this whole thing, it would have been worth it... Because if we do not have that as the foundation, nothing else matters.  But! we saw even more than that... Because we had that foundation everything just began to overflow out of that place of intimacy with Jesus.  HE IS SO GOOD!
I am incredibly encouraged, lifted up, walking victorious in Jesus & what He says.  I am in love & overwhelmed with His goodness to ALL of His children.

I apologize this is so short, but I would love to tell more of the stories in person.  Thank you to every single person who invested in this time in my life.  Whether you gave financially, or prayed, or just thought about us on our journey, it was all needed & I am deeply deeply thankful for your investment.  The Father will bless you immensely for being a part.

God bless!


The amazing women that I have the privilege of leading, at
Universal Studios for our Debrief Week of outreach!


  1. Awesome Awesome Awesome!!! So proud of you Lizzie. Even when things were at their worst you refused to give up! God is faithful. And, like Father like daughter ;)

  2. Thank you so much Andy! You always provide the most encouraging comments.
