Sunday, March 3, 2013

Freedom From Fear - Testimony!

What an incredible month it has been!!

Just a short testimony of my Amsterdam fundraising - I RECEIVED ALL OF MY FUNDS!!!  So it is officially official, I am headed to Amsterdam in a short 8 days!  I am so expectant of this trip, and in my spirit feel a lot more is going to happen than our team is expecting, and I cannot wait to see how it all unfolds!!
Thank you to every single person to gave, whether it was $5 or $200, every single dollar helped me make this dream a reality and I am so extremely grateful for your support!!

This past month for me has been absolutely FULL of breaking free of fear.  Well, let's just be honest, this past year has been pretty intense is overcoming fear, haha.  But this past month especially I have broken through so much, and I was just so excited that I had to share a little bit of it with you!
Most of you know that I have had so much fear & anxiety when it comes to speaking in front of people, so much so I will do everything possible for it not to happen.  Within the past 3 years, I have had crazy revelation that this is not my "personality", but the place the Lord has called me to thrive in, to set people free in, to bring peace & restoration to hearts, to speak life & bury death.  The enemy knew this was God's design over my life, and so my whole life he has tried to destroy that.  And for a long time I gave in to the fear, I gave in the anxiety, I gave in to the insecurity, I gave in to the plan of the enemy.
Over this past year, the Lord has not just been riding me of the fear of speaking in front of people, but going even deeper into the issues of my heart that create that fear.  He has been securing my identity in Him, and in Him alone.  When this happens, it no longer matters what other people think of you, because you are not performing for love... you are living out of a place of love.
This revelation has become even more real to me and alive in me as I have chosen to step out.

Two weeks ago I spoke at a Christian private highschool here in town.  For two days I shared on Identity through sharing my testimony and journey with the Lord over the past 10 years.  It was absolutely incredible!!  The second day I spoke to a group of 15 students who were 13-17 years old.  By the end of the class, not only was a student in tears after I called her higher in Jesus and started prophesying who he created her to be, but the principle was also in tears!!  As I was speaking, the Lord gave me this very intense vision of fear and anxiety leaving me as I was speaking.  It was as if glass was being violently & swiftly removed from my back by the words that were coming out of my mouth.  The more I spoke, the more free I felt, and the more free others become.  This day really marked a place in my heart and destroyed the thinking "What I have to say is not important".  I knew that that was a lie, because I saw the important in my words as students were falling in love with Jesus and finding out who they were.

Every Friday a group of us in the Leadership Track meet together for an Elective.  For 3 hours we are trained up into being better teachers and preachers.  One of our assignments this month was for us to be in groups and speak for a whole week in middle school or high school class on campus.  My friend Cammie and I spoke in the 6th grade class this past week.  Going in, we knew we were going to be speaking on Identity in Christ, but we didn't exactly know what the week was going to entail... But the Lord unfolded it so beautiful.
For the first part of the week, we each took a day to share our testimony of finding our identity in Christ.  On the third day Cammie led out identifying false identity and how to over come that.  We spoke a lot on the power of declaring scripture and the power of life and death in our tongue.  Then on the last day I led out Original Design.  Original Design is knowing the original intent of your life, the way God created it to be, before satan came in and began to speak to us lies about who we are.  We spend some time writing down 3 lies we've believed, then writing down the 3 truths about who God says we are.  THEN!  We all stood up on our chairs, all 15 of us, and we each declared one sentence of who we were.  It was one of the most beautiful times I've ever experienced.  One by one, each heart, had a revelation of what GOD says about THEM, and they declared it for all to hear.  Some started crying, as it was a struggle, and we were able to walk with them through the fear and into greater freedom.

This week was so powerful for me because I almost felt like I was one of the students... I am at the very beginning of a beautiful journey of not just believing in my head what God says about me, but believe it so much in my heart that my life reflects that truth.  I believed before that if I were to step out and speak up I would feel insecure, more fear & anxiety.  But what I actually felt was full peace, extreme freedom, and confident in being a daughter of Christ.

I hope this encourages all of you to really get the Lord's heart not only on situations in your life, but on YOU as a person who God is pursing and desires so deeply to walk through every part of life with.  If there are areas of fear, He wants to fill those up with His perfect love that casts out fear.  If there are areas of anxiety, He wants to give you His perfect peace which guards your heart and mind in Him.  If there are areas of loneliness, depression, oppression, ect. ect... He wants to reveal to you the amazing family that He has invited you into and show you a whole knew reality - His Kingdom on earth, in your very life.
In Hebrews 12 He says that He rewards those who seek Him.  This is a promise of God.  Seek Him! I promise you, you will not be disappointed.  He is a Father who loves to give His children good gifts!!

Below are some pictures of this past week in the Foundation School class here on Campus.  Hope you enjoy!

The Students speaking life over one another!

The whole beautiful class with Cammie and I and their teacher Jon
Me teaching them to put a stake in the ground that we will no longer believe what the enemy
says about us, but only God!!  After this was the declaring of who they were!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so moved by your entry and by the things that God is fulfilling in your life!! Aghh I would love to chat anytime about public speaking, I oddly LOVE it and seek out opportunities for it :)
    blessings!! you're doing great!
