Tuesday, March 27, 2012


This is it.  Here we go.  A crazy, new, unknown adventure about to start.  It's so different leaving home this time.  I don't have as many nerves, the sadness in my heart is more but I feel my heart is so ready for this, so at peace with where I am going, and so excited for what's in store that it's making it a bit easier.  I'm leaving at even more of a crucial time with my sweet niece Abi Liv growing so fast; I got to watch her take two steps today, which definitely made me so joyful.  But the Lord knows all of that, He knows how much I adore my family & will miss them... And His grace is sufficient.
I was talking with one of my brothers the other night about leaving, and I had this realization on how much the Lord had really done in me, how much He had changed my heart, grew me & deepened my roots.  He is so faithful to each and every one of our hearts.  I didn't take on this past six months and think "I am really going to let the Lord grow me and teach me things", although that is not bad, it just hadn't crossed my mind to intentionally make that decision, but by my obedience in the small & big things, He did exactly what my heart desired, even if I didn't know it desired that things.  I love giving the reigns of my heart over to the one who created it, it just makes things so much more beautiful & worth it.
I have such an expectancy in my heart for what's about to come.  I couldn't give you any clues as to what that will look like, because I have absolutely no idea or even a grid to imagine what's going to happen.  But everything inside of me wants to explode because of the excitement I have.  I have no reason to fear, no reason to worry or to be anxious.  I have every reason though to be peaceful, walking with strength & grace, and full of joy.  Those are my inheritance and it's crazy what you'll stumble upon when you allow yourself to look at life through that perspective.

Thank you to every single person who has journeyed with me.  Whether it's been by praying for me, by being a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on, or by giving financially, or by rooting me on and encouraging me to go after the dreams in my heart.  I could not be more blessed to have the family & friends that I have.  I have never felt so full of abundant life ever before.  My cup overflows.
If you feel led to support me financially one time or monthly, or by praying for me on a regular basis please email me at oceansroar@gmail.com or call me at (704) 724-1175.

I love you all dearly & am so thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Although it's soooo hard to say good bye and let you go again, my heart is so very happy with the thoughts of you being right where you are supposed to be in life, at this time. YOU are amazing Lizz, you show me the true unconditional love of the Lord through your life, and although it should be you learning from me, it certainly is the other way around in so many areas. Not only are you my daughter, but my most loved friend. I can't wait to see what happens during this next journey in Kona. I love you my pal....
    Forever, Mom
